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AI assisted programming, Is it the future ?

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, Language Model-based Learning (LLMs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have become effective partners for programmers of all skill levels. In the rapidly changing world of programming, These tools have completely transformed how code is written, optimized, and debugged. They build upon earlier innovations like IntelliSense. This article covers the possibilities of LLMs and AI tools like ChatGPT and Github Copilot. And also possibly their effects on coding, and the moral issues with automatic code generation.

IDE tools are a thing of the past.

Before the advent of AI-driven code writing tools, programmers relied on traditional Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and code-completion features like Intellisense to aid them in the coding process. These tools significantly improved developers' productivity and code quality, laying the foundation for the advancements that AI would later bring.

However, these tools were limited by their ability to perform only static code analysis. Static code analysis involved scanning the codebase for potential issues, such as syntax errors, unused variables, or possible runtime errors, and providing suggestions for improvement.

While valuable, static analysis lacked the capacity to grasp the subtleties of natural language and complex programming scenarios, as it focused on rule-based patterns rather than understanding the context.

This brings us to the advent of modern AI progressing on the capabilities of previous generation tools.

What is an LLM by the way ?

Large Language Models (LLMs) process and comprehend human language using neural networks. They have mastered the ability to predict the likelihood of a word or series of words given the context after pre-training on massive datasets of text from the internet, books, journals, and code repositories. This enables them to provide replies that are appropriate for the context.

Some of the well known LLMs include the OpenAI GPT models used in applications like ChatGPT.

Other LLM based applications include Google Bard, Github Copilot, etc.

How have these tools helped ?

LLMs and AI tools actively enhance the efficiency and productivity of programmers by offering dynamic support throughout the coding process. Leveraging natural language understanding, these tools actively assist with various aspects of coding, making it more intuitive and seamless for developers.

They go beyond regular code completion. These tools actively offer comprehensive help in generating, changing, arranging, identifying errors, and predicting performance in code.

LLMs, unlike Intellisense, can comprehend natural language and generate code based on human-like prompts, pushing us to a new era of AI-driven code writing.

What AI-Tools are currently in usage ?

There are a currently lot of tools on the market for programmers to use to aid them in programming.

1. ChatGPT:

ChatGPT is a general purpose LLM that uses OpenAI's GPT model for advanced text generation based on simple human-like prompts.

The model can understand and generate human-like text based on the given context. It learns from a wide range of text sources like the internet, books, and articles, which helps it grasp language patterns and relationships.

However, it is very limited in its capabilities in things like code generation as it is much more general purpose.

2. Github Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code completion tool developed by OpenAI and GitHub. It uses the GPT-3.5 language model to assist developers in writing code faster.

As programmers type, Copilot analyzes the context and suggests complete lines or blocks of code, speeding up the development process. The tool has trained on a vast dataset of code repositories, enabling it to offer accurate and relevant code suggestions in different programming languages.

3. Deepcode

DeepCode is an AI-powered tool designed to assist with coding, actively analyzing code repositories for potential improvements. It works by using machine learning to detect bugs, errors, and security vulnerabilities in code.

The tool's active learning capabilities continuously improve its accuracy by learning from the feedback and code reviews provided by users. DeepCode aims to make coding easier and more secure by leveraging the power of AI to identify and prevent potential issues in the codebase.

What are the downsides ?

AI-generated code may not always be of good quality or dependable. The AI models learn from existing code, but they might still produce code with mistakes or inefficiencies. Depending solely on AI-generated code without checking it carefully could lead to problems in the software.

They don't actually know what they are writing ...

AI models lack real understanding and learning abilities. They generate code based on patterns they have seen, but they don't truly grasp the problems they are solving. This can make them less effective in handling new or complex coding challenges.

Plagiarism and Legal hurdles

AI models learn from code created by various developers, which means the generated code could resemble existing proprietary code. This raises concerns about copying code and violating intellectual property rights, which can lead to ethical and legal issues.

Essentially, who actually wrote the code, the model or the developer ?

AI itself isn't very great at programming by itself

AI models might not be good at all programming languages or specialized tasks. Some languages or specific programming challenges might not have enough data for the AI to work well, resulting in less accurate or relevant code suggestions.

It's really easy to write malicious code

The same capabilities that make AI valuable for legitimate development also present risks in the wrong hands.

Unethical people can use AI-generated code to craft malware, launch cyberattacks, or bypass security measures. It might also be used to automate unethical practices, such as scraping content, spamming, or creating fake accounts. To address these concerns, responsible use, strong ethical guidelines, and security measures are essential.

So, how do we solve any of these issues ?

A first step in the right direction would be to address the challenges of bias in AI models and how it might affect the code generated. Exploring strategies and best practices to mitigate bias and ensure fair and inclusive code suggestions.

Tailoring AI models to the domain

Creating domain-specific AI models for code writing in specialized areas and fine-tuning them on the much more specific data sets will have much more knowledge in terminologies and coding patterns, leading to more accurate and contextually relevant code suggestions.

Enforcing stricter security filters

To ensure responsible AI usage, we must establish strict ethical guidelines and governance.

The AI community, security experts, and policymakers can collaborate to develop advanced security measures that prevent AI-generated code from being used for unethical activities.

Solving the legal barriers associated

To resolve legal issues caused by AI-generated code, we must define rights and responsibilities for developers and AI model creators. Adding watermarks or identifiers to AI-generated code can attribute ownership and prevent plagiarism. Regular audits and assessments of AI tools ensure legal compliance and prevent unintended legal problems.

Why does any of this matters to you ?

AI-driven code writing is not just transforming the way professional programmers work. It also holds significant advantages for common people with an interest in programming. By making coding more accessible and inclusive, AI tools are simplifying the world of software development.

AI-powered code writing tools act as mentors for individuals new to coding or casual programmers. These tools are trained on vast amounts of prior knowledge, and they provide real-time suggestions and generate functional code based on natural language prompts, thus reducing the learning curve

Combining the creativity and expertise of human developers with the assistance of AI-driven tools can unlock the full potential of code generation, resulting in more efficient and reliable software solutions.

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